Okay, here's what you need to remember about your TurnItIn.com account...

Your logon should be your Gaggle email address.  If you forgot it, you should recover that GREEN sheet that was given to you in the library on the day of our tech orientation.

Your password should be your ID number + "ahs", so if your ID number is 123456, your password would be "123456ahs"

Afterwards, just upload your file and you are good to go.

Some other answers to frequently asked questions:
1.  If your paper is slightly over or under 2 pages, please don't freak out.  Your grade won't automatically be downgraded.  If it approaches 3 pages or longer, your paper will be read with a bit more scrutiny, but it does not guarantee that you are getting a low grade, either.  (But seriously, if it's shorter than 2 pages...you probably needed to add some detail and look at your teammates' suggestions.)

2.  I know I put something about a 3rd Essay Peer Revision; just make sure your 3rd essay, marked, is in your collection and you will be fine.  No extra sheet needed.

3.  We didn't do "Clocking", we conducted the "Final Peer Review."  Just put that sheet in its place.

4.  If you will be absent on Friday, submit it tomorrow.  Late is late, even with an excused absence.  Take control and responsibility for your education.

5.  Staple it and have it ready to go before class.  Please.

6.  If you don't want to open your Gaggle account, just right click and print the screen that shows your digital submission info after your paper uploads.  That will suffice for the digital receipt.

7.  Microsoft Word has a lot of helps/suggestions for formatting online; it just requires you to read.  Painful, I know...  But, if you need help, look it up.

8.  Get some rest tonight.  Notes tomorrow, and discussion of "Good Man" on Friday.  If you are not present on Friday, finish reading the
tobi olawale
9/28/2012 11:44:15 pm

i forgot to put EC in the packet with our essays can i bring it to you on monday


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