This might be Odysseus' reaction had the Sirens been replaced with the likes of Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, and other teeny-boppers that dominate Twitter, Facebook, Instagram...  However, because we are dealing with the world of the ancients, characterizing Odysseus is less about how he sees the world and more about how we see him

I want to talk about your dialectical journal that you guys are working on right now, and the idea behind making judgments for appropriate quote choices.  Remember how I mentioned something about direct characterization and indirect characterization?  Here's how that works for this assignment:

Let's take know, that big nasty Cyclops that winds up with eye goo all over his pristine island, courtesy of Odysseus.  We could use Polyphemus' commentary when he announces to the other Cyclopes that "Nohbdy's tricked me! Nohbdy's hurt me!"  This is definitely a reflection on Odysseus' cunning and ability to assess a perilous situation. 

...But what if you actually pulled the quote where Odysseus declared himself, "My name is Nohbdy; my friends, my family call me Nohbdy."  We can actually better discuss the set-up Odysseus is creating, and that we know he is determined to get his crew out of the cave and become the hero we know he is.  Ah... the joys of realizing your epic hero-ness.

You have also been asked to use your characterization terms list to assist in finding the right language to describe Odysseus.  DON'T BE VAGUE (unless you want to throw me into seizures; in that case, go right ahead, injure me, throw me into fits.  Butthead).
Once we use that word (whatever it is) to describe Odysseus in the context of the evidence selected, make sure you answer this question:  How does this quote show this characteristic of Odysseus?  Why do we know this? Remember that you are going for depth,  not a summary  or recollection of events.  We know what happens.  You can give brief recaps in the essay. 

So, there's my rant for the night.  If you would like to go over the movie we'll start watching on Thursday, here's the link to the movie's IMDB page...

See you tomorrow.  And, many apologies to Periods 6 and 7 for being absent today; leaving today was the last thing I wanted to do, but when one has a sick child, parental duties call.

Much love,
Ms. B
Luca T.
11/15/2012 06:16:03 am

did you ever put up the link to the characterization paper?

Ruona E.
11/17/2012 11:56:19 am

it the 16 and no new post.... so much for daily

Kalyn L.
11/23/2012 09:38:19 am

hahaha wow Ms.B very funny and you have homework update more often please :) thanks
love ya!


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