I couldn't find a witty picture to accompany this, yet, so here you go.

Controversial Topics Master List
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I genuinely believe everyone can find something to argue efficiently, effectively, and persuasively, using this list.  However, should you choose to argue something else, here's the procedure...

1.  Do what everyone else is doing:  Create your list of top 3 research questions as a response to this blog post.  USE YOUR REAL NAME, FOR PETE'S SAKE!  If you have a question that is not on the master list, place an asterisk (*) at the end of the line.

2.  Be prepared to explain why you wish to argue this.  Don't just have emotional reasons, either - think about the ethical and logical reasons that you will have to develop before saying "yeah, I wanna argue that."

3.  Make sure your email is put somewhere on your blog post.

4.  I will send you a document to fill out.  Email it back to me ASAP, and I will give you my final decision.

Based on availability of topics, first choice, and teacher's consideration, I do have the final say for what your topic is, but I will absolutely take your primary wishes and opinions into account.

Be fearless in your approach to this assignment, but also be willing to be proven wrong.  That's when arguments often get interesting.

Can't wait to see what you want to research...

Ms. B
Luca T.
1/15/2013 05:26:28 am

I get dibs on abortion. (Please Ms. B!!!![I could make a GREAT argument for that])

1. Abortion (Pro) *
2.Creationism vs Darwinism
3.Standardized Test Scores

Luca T.
1/15/2013 05:30:17 am

Email: [email protected]

(thought it would post it when i entered it under "email")

Ms. B
1/15/2013 05:33:09 am

it did post, Luca. Expect an email in the near future. :-)

Joseph w
1/19/2013 12:09:15 am

I already did luca

Alykhan Hashim
1/15/2013 11:57:13 am

Death Penalty
Military Recruitment
Gun Control

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:25:10 am

Can you tell me which stance you would take on the death penalty?

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:50:02 am

I am definitely leaning on yes, but I want to know more. Why do you want this particular argument? Can you give me some insight into what interests you about it? (Anisha...you too.)

Luca T.
1/18/2013 05:18:12 am

The reason that I am requesting this particular argument is because it really bothers me and kind of annoys me how people who are against abortion just expect everyone to be of the same opinion as them. Now, I know that the majority of the population is against abortion, but the beliefs of that of a group of people should not be forced upon others, especially in such an important, life-changing decision. Other than that, the thing that bothers me even more is that the decision of aborting a child does not fall to the mother, but to some old, fat guys who will never know what it's like to be pregnant. The decision to abort a child should solely be the mother's and father's decision, and taking that away is almost like taking away peoples basic freedoms. The only difference here is that it's the freedom to have or not have a child. I want people to have this freedom so that they may make that life-changing decision for themselves. Of course, I also recognize that this is a very controversial and looked down upon stance that I have taken on this topic, but I want to see how many people (if any) I can get to understand my reasoning.

Anisha K.
1/18/2013 05:36:33 am

Uhm...I'm not going to write a paragraph like Luca did....hahha but I don't think that abortion is right. You are killing what could be a living being. If you didnt want the child...just give birth and put it off on adoption..but absolutely dont kill it. I know Luca's probably gonna beat me at this...but I want to give it a try..I think I have in mind what I want to make this paper in to. :)

Marwan M.
1/15/2013 06:24:19 am

I can't decide which one to pick. Would it be wrong to ask you to pick one for me? (If you do pick one for me can you make it something you think I'll be able to argue?)

Anisha :)
1/15/2013 06:53:15 am

1. Abortion (Con) *
2.Gun Control..you had 2 of them..but i want to do number 56 on the list.

[email protected]

Luca T.
1/15/2013 07:26:15 am

Give Anisha abortion too so we can argue about it!!!!

Joseph Wort
1/18/2013 12:56:34 am

Im not doing abortion but i still have a good arguement for it....luca

Luca T.
1/18/2013 05:20:02 am

Just scroll up a bit Joseph.

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:25:52 am

It's obviously not on the list, but what about if you came up with an interesting research question involving the Israeli/Palestinian conflict?

look at the comment
1/18/2013 03:41:16 pm

look at the name

Gabrielle Humphrey
1/18/2013 03:58:15 pm

This is completely random and probably late...but MARWAN WHOEVER YOU ARE, I AGREE WITH MS. BELLON. Last year I did a research paper and world conflict video assignment on the Israeli/ Palestinian conflict and it's really interesting~

Marwan Madi
1/22/2013 12:21:28 pm

ok, could i talk about how palestine should have an independent state and not israel because israel was set up for jews (on a religous base), and when people say palestine it refers to including all religions (it is considered the "holy land" after all...). I could talk about how in the UN resolutions they wanted to split palestine into an independent state for jews and one for arabs, the problem with that being that judaism is a religion not a nationality and that arabs can be jews as well as christians and muslims.

Lauren R.
1/15/2013 07:08:23 am

1. Interracial Adoption
2. Gun Control
3. Violence on television causing increase in violence among children/teens

EMAIL: [email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:26:27 am

What is your possible research question and position for transracial adoption?

Stella Ji
1/15/2013 07:17:04 am

1. Obesity
2. Assisted Suicide
3. Death Penalty

EMAIL: [email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:24:26 am

Stella, can you post your possible research questions and position for each choice?

Stella Ji
1/19/2013 10:27:49 am

Obsesity: should fast food be outlawed? (PRO)
Assisted suicide: Should physicians be legally protected and allowed to assist terminal patients in their own suicide? (PRO)
Death Penalty: Is the death penalty an effective from of punishment? (PRO)

Lauren R.
1/15/2013 07:20:13 am

I meant Trasracial Adoption!!

Ragini K.
1/15/2013 08:31:39 am

1) Vegetarianism
2) Assisted Suicide
3) Fast Food Restaurants

[email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:27:11 am

What do you wish to argue about veganism/vegetarianism?

Conor U.
1/15/2013 08:44:13 am

1.Vegetarian/vegan ism
2.Religion in schools
3.Assisted suicide

[email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:27:43 am

What do you wish to argue about vegetarianism/veganism?

Debbie Nehikhuere
1/15/2013 08:52:19 am

1. Eating Disorders*( I would like to see if his would be arguable like in laws, with binging and purging just asking) 2.Death Penalty 3.Torture

Debbie Nehikhuere
1/15/2013 08:53:57 am

srry i didn't put my email its [email protected] and its this not his

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:29:14 am

I think you would have to do more research and come up with a question. Right now, it might be that you're researching the death penalty or torture instead. Eating disorders are arguably a health disorder, but I don't know about laws governing them.

Debbie Nehikhuere
1/17/2013 08:36:35 am

I will do death penalty (con) And my question is, Is the death penalty, in case really, the only form of punishment that is extreme enough to give a person?

Debbie N.
1/17/2013 08:39:34 am

any case , srry it didnt type

Debbie N.
1/17/2013 12:27:17 pm

Also instead of torture i would like to do human trafficking (con) and could you please help me on a question because i know what i am trying to say but i cannot put it into words

Shahzaib Khan
1/15/2013 09:29:17 am

1. Homework
2. Cell phones
3. Assisted Suicide

[email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:29:54 am

Do you want to go pro or con on homework? What would your research question be?

1/17/2013 08:56:59 am

I want to be con for homework

Research Question
Should teachers give less homework to students, because it affects their lives at home.

Sayed S.
1/15/2013 09:31:58 am

1.Death Penalty
2.Gun Control
3.Video Games
Email: [email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:30:28 am

What would your research question and stance be on the Death Penalty?

1/15/2013 09:40:02 am

1.) Gay Rights (Pro)
2.) Legalisation of Prostitution
3.) Eating Disorders

1/17/2013 05:31:51 am

1. What would your research question be? (I am assuming, "Should it be legal in the US?" but I am assuming.)
2. Why gay marriage?
3. Do you think you can talk about it using legal precedent and facts, without giving too much of a pathos argument?

1/17/2013 10:29:24 am

1.Yes, "Should it be legal in the US?" was the question I was going to use.
2.I picked gay marriage because I think its a topic that needs to be discussed especially since many people are quite closed-minded, and should see both sides of the coin.
3. Yes, there are many statistics and real-life events that are relevant my argument, without being too pathos-y.

1/15/2013 09:40:44 am

Email: [email protected]

Chand H
1/15/2013 10:40:02 am

Assisted Suicide
Death Penalty

Email: [email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:32:38 am

Chand, I need to know your research question and stance on assisted suicide before I can assign it to you.

Amy Chen!
1/15/2013 10:59:26 am

1 Death Penalty (con)
2 Recycling/Waste
3 Child Labor Laws

[email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:33:18 am

Can you tell me what your research question would be for the death penalty?

Amy Chen!
1/21/2013 10:36:32 am

sorry this is kinda super late but

Should the death penalty be used as punishment?

Brittany Xiao is awesome sauce
1/15/2013 11:51:32 am

Period 7
1.) animal testing
2.) use of animal products
3.) fast food restaurants

Ms. B is saucier, but not necessarily awesomer...
1/17/2013 05:34:14 am

Can you tell me what your research question is for all three, and what your stances would be?

Brittany Xiao
1/20/2013 09:57:03 am

1.) con & how else can we test products w/o harming animals?
2.) con & what products use stuff from animals and what could be used as substitutions stuff like that :P
3.) con & healthier alternatives idk when you were showing us the chart w/ the topics and who has what I saw my name on there for animal testing so hurray!

Email: [email protected] just in case you didn't see it idk

Quyn Westfall :3
1/15/2013 11:58:11 am

Period 7.
1) invasion of North Korea **
2) genetics / ethics
3) assisted suicide
[email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:34:52 am

Very interesting topic: What is your research question, and your stance on invading North Korea?

Selina John
1/15/2013 01:18:35 pm

Email: [email protected]

1) Single-Gender Education
2) Genetics/ Ethics
3) National ID Cards

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:35:32 am

What is your research question and stance on all three topics?

Selina John
1/19/2013 08:16:48 am

1) Single-Gender Education:
Males and females are said to have different learning skills, but does that mean we should separate the different sexes into single- sex schools? (pro)

2)Genetics/ Ethics:
Scientists say that stem cells are the key to cures of many diseases, but should they be allowed to take on this research and allow human embryos to be destroyed for this cause?(con)

3) National ID Cards:
With the Europeans already using National ID Cards for security, should the United States have this system to become a safer country, or will this take away the freedom people were given as a citizen of America?(pro)

** I would like to have your opinion as well which topic you think I should research about. I'm stuck with which one to pick they are all pretty good.

Email: [email protected]

Suhrin Whang.
1/15/2013 01:31:03 pm

1. Immigraiton
2. Child Labor Laws
3. Death Penalty

[email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:36:04 am

What is your research question and stance for all three topics?

Suhrin Whang.
1/20/2013 05:09:24 am

1. Immigration : Should the immigration policies of the United States be more relaxed or more restrictive? - I think they should be more relaxed.

2. Death Penalty : Is the death penalty an effective form of punishment? - I think death penalty is not an effective form of punishment.

3. Child Labor Laws : Should children be allowed to work prior to age 18? - Yes, children under the age of 18 should be allowed to work.

Just wondering, do we have to be fully on one side of the argument? Can we be somewhat neutral? Also I flip my #2 and #3. I think I would have more to say for Death Penalty than for Child Labor Laws.

Nimesh Patel
1/16/2013 05:12:01 am

1st Period
1. Gun control: Should the government restrict public access to purchase firearms?
2. Death penalty : Is the death penalty an effective form of punishment?
3.Torture: Is torture ever an acceptable behavior?

Noah Lee
1/16/2013 05:19:54 am

1) Sexual Education (Home, School, or never? etc.) *
2) U.S. Tax Collection and System
3) Health Care

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:37:00 am

Noah, I am fairly sure, but I don't want to assume...

Can you please clarify your research question and stance for all three topics?

Noah Lee
1/18/2013 08:03:07 am

1) Abstinence v. Comprehensive (changing it a bit after watching a couple documentaries) - I would argue for public schools to offer comprehensive sex education.
2) U.S Tax System - What we have is alright but could be better by upping the scale via income levels and other economic situations.
3) Health Care - Universal health care with policies like those of Austria.

Madison M.
1/16/2013 05:49:43 am

1. Abortion
2. Is there a God?
3. The Electoral College

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:38:24 am

First, I need to know what your research question and stance is for all three topics.

Next, the first two topics can be considered extremely touchy. You listed abortion first. Please explain why you want this topic and how you would begin to defend it.

madison mcclendon
1/21/2013 03:14:06 am

1. (con) SHould abortion be legal in the U.S?
2. (pro) Is there a God?
3. (pro) Should the Electoral College be removed form the voting process?

And on the topic of abortion, I want to write on the subject because I have heard so many stories of women who got abortions and it became their biggest regret in life. Also, I believe that "a life is a life, no matter how small" and that we have a right to fight for the people who have no voice. I would begin defending my topic by describing the logistics of abortion, the process and the effects on the mother and child. Then I would discuss specific cases of women who had abortions and their views on the practice before and after. I'll also include a detailed explanation of a child's development, as well as an argument on the sheer ethics of the situation. As in, what right does one person have to decide whether another has a right to live? I'll probably touch on the unalienable rights we're suppose to have as humans as ordained by the U.S Constitution.

P.S sorry it took so long to respond Ms. Bellon!

Kieran Smith
1/16/2013 06:06:36 am

Racial judgement in colleges* (like how its starting to turn the other way)
Climate Change
Gun Control (#56)

[email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:39:13 am

Please give me a formal research question and stance for all three topics. I really like the first idea; I just need a bit of clarification (don't want to assume).

Kieran S
1/17/2013 11:24:10 am

Racial judgement in college has turned into making the college look good rather than taking in kids that have earned the education (it is bad)
Climate change is caused by people (against)
people need to take away guns

Stars of Galaxies
1/20/2013 10:12:15 am

"Those that argue about unfair judgements as an excuse, are those that are truly incapable of achieving beyond all."

Kalpana Vaidya
1/16/2013 06:12:30 am

1. Education Access
2. Beauty Pageants/contests
3. Student-age health

[email protected]


Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:39:50 am

Please give me the research question and stance for all three topics you have chosen.

Chandni P.
1/16/2013 06:35:58 am

1. Plastic Surgery/ Body Modification
2. Torture
3. Cell Phones

[email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:40:38 am

Please give me the research questions and your stance for all three topics you have chosen.

Chandni P.
1/17/2013 11:39:57 am

1. Should people under age 18 be allowed to elect plastic surgery or extreme body modifications? (Con)
2. Is torture ever an acceptable behavior? (Pro)
3. Should cell phone use be banned in vehicles? (Pro)

Pheba Joshua
1/16/2013 06:52:40 am

3.Animal Testing

email:[email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:41:09 am

Please give me the research questions and your stance for all three topics you have chosen.

Pheba Joshua
1/17/2013 10:47:54 am

1.Should recycling be a mandatory requirement for all US citizens? (Pro)
2.Is homework helpful or harmful to students?(Pro)
3.Should animals be used for research?(Con)

Kendall Wentz :DDD
1/16/2013 06:57:18 am

1. Gender Equality: woman in the military
2. Conflict Diamonds
3. Cell phone banned in vehicles

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:41:42 am

Please give me the research questions and your stance for all three topics you have chosen.

Kendall Wentz :DDD
1/17/2013 06:07:38 am

Woman in the military: I think they should be allowed
Conflict Diamonds: Should not be allowed in the USA
Cell Phone Usage in Cars: Should not be used in cars

1) should woman be able to serve in the military
2)Conflict Diamonds
3)Should cell phone use be banned in cars.

Kendall Wentz :DDD
1/16/2013 06:58:07 am
Marina Zafiris!
1/16/2013 07:06:42 am

1) Redistribution of wealth: should plutocrats contribute more to society?*
2) Designer babies: Should parents be able to choose certain genetic characteristics of their child?*
3) Polyglots K-12: Should foreign language instruction begin in kindergarten and continue through high school?*

[email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:42:36 am

I dig your questions, kiddo. Really like choice #1. Interested to hear more. Consider it yours.

Eric Tsai
1/16/2013 07:12:26 am

I would like:

1. The Collection of Taxes - Does the US have a fair taxation system?
2. Genetics/ Ethics - Should scientists be allowed to conduct stem cell research?
3. Gun Control - Should the government restrict public access to purchase firearms?

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:45:25 am

Where do you stand on the US taxation system?

1/17/2013 11:13:20 am

The taxation system, I think, is fair.

Sakshi Shah
1/16/2013 07:38:01 am

1. Torture (Please Ms.Bellon)
2. Cell Phones
3. Homework

[email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:45:50 am

Please give me the research questions and your stance for all three topics you have chosen.

Sakshi Shah
1/20/2013 06:02:36 am

1. Is torture ever an acceptable behavior ? ( Pro )
2. Should cell phone use be banned in vehicles? ( Pro )
3. Is homework helpful or harmful to students? ( Pro )

Caitlyn Wingerson
1/16/2013 07:42:04 am

1. Should scientists be allowed to conduct stem cell research?
2. Does Global Warming exist?
3. Should the immigration policies of the United States be more relaxed or more restrictive?

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:46:20 am

Good questions, Caitlyn

Can you tell me where you stand on all three issues?

Caitlyn Wingerson
1/18/2013 06:30:37 am

1. Pro
3. I was thinking about this last one during class today, and my opinion is mostly concerning the illegal immigration between the Mexican and Texas border, so I think i'd like to change this question to: Should the immigration policies between Texas and Mexico be more relaxed or more restrictive? (or something along those lines and my stance would be more restrictive)

Arianna Carr
1/16/2013 07:51:28 am

Standardized Test Scores

Conflict Diamonds

Gun Control

[email protected]


Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:46:45 am

Please give me the research questions and your stance for all three topics you have chosen.

Sri Sridhar
1/16/2013 08:10:20 am

Period 7

1. Education Access

2. Social Media Access

3. Vegetarianism/Veganism

[email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:47:33 am

Please give me the research questions and your stance for all three topics you have chosen.

Sri Sridhar
1/19/2013 02:51:40 am

Is college a right or a privilege?
- It is a privilege.

Should children and teens have access to social media sites like Facebook and Twitter?
-Teens should not be allowed to have access to social media access.

is it a moral or healthier choice?
-it is a moral choice.

StarsofGalaxies : Version 2
1/20/2013 10:08:48 am

Someone didn't sign up for facebook yet...

Konan Mirza
1/16/2013 08:16:32 am

[email protected]
1. Slavery*
2.Assisted Suicide
3. Plastic Surgery

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:48:25 am

Are we talking about slavery or human trafficking?

Please clarify, as well as give me your specific research questions and stances on all three issues.

Maggie Cheung!
1/16/2013 08:17:57 am

1: Death Penalty
2: Gender Equality
3: Fast Food Restaurants
4: Vegetarianism

:) okay, bye.

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:49:08 am

Hello, Maggie. :-)

Please give me the research questions and stances for all research subjects in the above post.

Maggie Cheung!
1/20/2013 11:40:42 am

1: Is the death penalty an appropriate form of punishment? No.
2: Should women be allowed to serve in the military? Yes.
3: Are fast food restaurants the cause for obesity? No.
4: Is vegetarianism a moral or health issue? Its a moral issue. Anyone should be a vegetarian if they want to. :)

kay, bye again.

Jenny Tran
1/16/2013 09:35:20 am

1) Education access
2) Fast Food Restaurants
3) Climate Change

[email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:52:30 am

Please give me the research questions and your stance for all three topics you have chosen.

Jenny Tran
1/18/2013 12:57:20 am

1) Is college a right or a privilege?
2) Are they to blame for obesity?
3) Is global climate changed man-made?

Danielle Edmonds
1/16/2013 10:03:28 am

1. Assisted Suicide
2. Plastic Surgery/ Body Modifications
3. Vegetarianism/ Veganism

thanks :)

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:52:55 am

Please give me the research questions and your stance for all three topics you have chosen.

Danielle Edmonds
1/19/2013 09:53:05 am

1. Should assisted suicide be legalized (under certain circumstances)?(pro)
2. Should people under 18 be allowed to elect plastic surgery or extreme body modifications?(pro)
3. Are vegetarianism and veganism moral and healthy choices? (pro)

Rithica Deepak
1/16/2013 10:13:40 am

1.Gun Control

[email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:54:45 am

Please give me the research questions and your stance for all three topics you have chosen.

Rithica Deepak
1/18/2013 11:39:45 pm

1.Should the government restrict public access to purchase firearms?
2.Should girls be allowed to join boys' teams if no equivalent sport team is present?
3.Should advertisements for alcohol and tobacco products be allowed in print advertisements?

1.The government should ban people from purchasing firearms.
2.Women should be allowed to join male dominated sports.
3.Alcohol and tobacco advertising should be banned.

[email protected]

Christopher Bowen
1/16/2013 10:17:09 am

Gun Control: 21
Alcohol consumption: 16
Social Welfare: 50

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:55:05 am

Please give me the research questions and your stance for all three topics you have chosen.

Chris Bowen
1/18/2013 05:07:58 am

1. Should the alcoholic drinking age be increased or decreased? (decreased)
2. Should the government restrict public access to purchase firearms? (no, anyone should be able to get a gun)
3. Should the US welfare system be eliminated? (yes)

1/19/2013 12:11:28 am

Good ones

Phillip Valdecanas
1/16/2013 10:28:17 am

1) Abortion
2)Immigration: That the U.S should stop providing emergency medical services to illegal immigrants(pro or con)**
3)Education Access

[email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:55:22 am

Please give me the research questions and your stance for all three topics you have chosen.

Phillip Valdecanas
1/19/2013 01:54:32 pm

1) abortion:should one allow the termination of pregnancy?
I feel this topic is one of importance. Abortion is one of the most contentious dilemmas faced in modern societies. Many say that making abortion illegal is stripping the rights of a mother. On the other hand, others argue that the life of an unborn baby should not be terminated because they too also have a right to live. There are also other factors to this issue such as instances of rape and incest. Under these circumstances, abortion might be considered to be necessary. Either way, I believe the decision is solely up to the mother and father of the unborn child. Women are more than capable of making their own decisions about their bodies and they deserve to choose what they deem best for them.
2) Gay marriage: should citizens of the United States be granted the right to marry a person of the same sex?
I believe that there is nothing wrong with allowing people of the same sex to marry each other. NOTHING in the constitution says this is unjust or wrong about allowing gay marriage. Wasn't America made so that people could achieve their dreams and seek freedom and equality? Straight couples who love each other have the right to marry, so why not gay couples. This here is not equality at all, but the complete opposite. Is gay marriage simply prevented because it is not looked upon as normal, or because of the negative prejudices towards this idea of two people of the same sex who love each other marry, or because it is against the Christian faith? These are not valid arguments, but these are reasons why people say gay marriage should not be allowed.
3) Education access: Should college education be a right or privilege.
I believe college education should be a privilege

Stephanie You
1/16/2013 10:40:36 am

[email protected]

1. Media Copyright
2. Use of Animal Products
3. Social Media Access

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:55:44 am

Please give me the research questions and your stance for all three topics you have chosen.

1/18/2013 08:08:48 am

Can I change mine?
1. Should fur be marketed as a wardrobe? PRO
2. Should children and teens have access to social media sites like Facebook and Twitter? PRO
3. Is it wrong to download music or video for free via pirate sites? CON

Pranidhi Dadhaniya
1/16/2013 10:44:25 am

1. abortion*
2. embryonic stem cell use
3. assisted suicide

[email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:54:21 am

Please give me the research questions and your stance for all three topics you have chosen.

Also, why abortion? What is your interest in the subject, and why do you feel compelled to research/argue this?

Pranidhi Dadhaniya
1/18/2013 10:19:20 am

1. Abortion - Is it always morally incorrect to resort to abortion?
I feel compelled to argue this particular topic because as many things, it does not reside in either black or white, which is a very common misconception. I feel this is an extremely important topic to discuss because it deals with justice and giving every person their fair due. It's so commonly argued that rights of the mother are taken away in illegalizing abortion, however what is being done in legalizing abortion? The most basic freedom, the right to live is taken from an unborn child. However, at the same time, it doesn't end there. The fact of the matter is that circumstances occur in which abortion is necessary, such as in the matter of rape or when a pregnancy is endangering the life of the mother. In both circumstances, abortion is necessary to protect the mother. If we are trying to protect the life of an unborn child, we need to put equal emphasis on protecting the life of the mother. Basically, I want to try to make people that are holding a single opinion on the matter that this is not a matter with a single answer.

2. Embryonic stem cell research - Is it morally correct to continue with embryonic stem cell research? Against

3. Assisted Suicide - Is assisted suicide morally correct? For

Rachel Dimaunahan
1/16/2013 10:59:01 am

1. Is man ultimately good or bad?
2. Does selfless love exist?
3. Ban cigarette smoking
4. Death penalty
5. Abortion

(I figured the first two wouldn't be approved so I added two replacement ones)
email: [email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:44:51 am

I really like the first two questions; however, they are not suited well for the nature of the assignment. If this were a philosophy class, however... :-)

I need clarification for the last three topics. Please post your possible research questions and stances for all three topics.

Caitlyn Nguyen
1/16/2013 11:12:26 am

Animal Testing

Gabrielle Humphrey
1/16/2013 11:47:42 am

1. The legalization of pornography (against)
2. Legalization of Gay Marriage (for)
3. Euthanasia (for)

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:53:32 am

Give me your specific research questions for all three topics.

Gabrielle Humphrey
1/18/2013 04:05:38 pm

1. Should pornography/sexually explicit content be legally accessible in the United States? *

2. Should the gay marriage be legalized in the United States?

3. Should euthanasia be acceptable among society rather than a taboo?

Andrew Zheng
1/16/2013 12:58:58 pm

1. Prostitution (Con or Pro)
2. Fast Food restaurants (For)
3. Death Penalty (For)

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:51:58 am

I like that you are willing to go either way for arguing legalization of prostitution. Please give me a solid research question so I can confirm your selection.

Andrew Zheng
1/20/2013 02:47:29 pm

Me and Sahib agreed upon me doing the con portion, and he, the pro portion.
1. Can prostitution really be legalized safely and cleanly?
2, Are Fast Food chains for the overall benefit of the nation?
3. Is the Death Penalty justified for certain criminals?

Andrew Zheng
1/21/2013 08:16:25 am

On the final sheet, it displays Sahib as con, while I am listed as pro. This is incorrect, I am supposed to be con, and Sahib is supposed to be pro. Thanks!

Sarah Thomas
1/16/2013 01:03:10 pm

Sorry I submitted so late. I forgot...

1.Cell Phones (should cell phone use be banned in vehicles(please:))
2.Recycling/ waste (should recycling be mandatory)
3. Dress codes (should public schools have the right to mandate dress codes for their students)

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:50:36 am

Sarah, what is your stance on cell phone use in vehicles?

Sarah Thomas
1/19/2013 02:30:07 am

I want to do con against cell phone use in vehicles.

brittany j
1/17/2013 05:37:31 am

gun control
standardized test scores- test scores are not an effective indication of a school's competency
school lunch
Email: [email protected]

Ms. B
1/17/2013 05:51:00 am

Please give me the research questions and your stance for all three topics you have chosen.

Brittany J.
1/17/2013 12:14:36 pm

Gun Control (con) - should the gov't restrict public access to purchase fire arms
Standardized test scores (con) - are test scores an ineffective indication of a school's competency?
school lunch (pro) - should school lunch requirements be healthier?
P.S. I like all of them, but I really want to do gun control like sooooo bad!!!!!!

Seamus Gildea
1/17/2013 06:46:08 am

1.Should college athletes be paid for playing?* (no)
2.Should Gun Ownership be Legal in the U.S? (yes)
3.Should welfare recipients be drug tested? (yes)

Ms. B
1/18/2013 05:05:27 am

Love it, Seamus. #1 is yours.

pooja t
1/17/2013 06:54:19 am

1) Global Climate: is the question supposed to be 'Has global climate changed man-kind?' instead of 'Is global climate changed man-made?'
2) Animal Testing
3) Use of Animal Products

Ms. B
1/18/2013 05:12:19 am

The question is supposed to be, "Is global climate change man-made?"

Let me know if that's still something you want to defend, and what your stance would be.

pooja t
1/19/2013 01:21:38 am

Yes, and my stance would probably be pro.

pooja t
1/19/2013 01:22:08 am

Yes, and my stance would be pro.

Huzaifah Hassan
1/17/2013 07:52:38 am

2)assisted suicide
3)athletics (should college players get paid;yes)
[email protected]

Ms. B
1/18/2013 05:13:29 am

Let me know your research questions and stances for all three issues. Thanks.

Huzaifah Hassan
1/21/2013 02:55:04 am


Sonali G.
1/17/2013 08:23:57 am

1) Cell phones(for)
2)Vegetarianism/Veganism(healthy choice)
Email: [email protected]

David Hartman
1/17/2013 09:09:13 am

1.) Stem Cell Research (should be allowed)
2.) Unfair Taxation in the United States
3.) Immigration Policies (more/less restricted)

David Hartman
1/17/2013 09:39:15 am
David Hartman
1/17/2013 12:11:39 pm

Unfair taxation between the upper class, middle class, lower class, etc

Ava S.
1/17/2013 09:11:16 am

1. Legalization of marijuana
2. Assisted suicide
3. Military recruitment

Ada C.
1/17/2013 09:15:22 am

1. Vegetarianism/Veganism: moral choice
2. Animal testing: con
3. Military recruitment: con

Kenji Chong
1/17/2013 09:26:52 am

1. Hate Crimes/ Groups
Yes, the documented hate groups should be denied privileges of the 1st Amendment (freedom of speech).

Music artist should not be required to sell censored/ screened versions of their music.

3. Single-gender education
No there are no benefits in attending single-gender school.

I'll tell you the reason why in class if you need one later. 1st period all day xD

[email protected]

Tiffany J.
1/17/2013 09:53:22 am

1. Single-gender education(pro).
2. Gun restriction(con).
3. Child Labor Laws(pro).

I like all of these equally so I'm okay with whatever !

Hisham Iqbal
1/17/2013 09:55:52 am

1.Education Access(privilege)
2.Fast Food Restaurants(shouldn't be blamed for obesity)

[email protected]

Jenny L.
1/17/2013 10:24:55 am

Period 6-
1)Euthinasia/ AssistedSuicide (pro) Should physicians be legally protected and allowed to assist terminal patients in their own suicide?
2)Fast Food Restaurants (Against)Are they to blame for obesity?
3)gun control- (against) Should the government restrict public access to purchase firearms?Will it reduce crime rates?

[email protected]

Fariha Ahmed
1/17/2013 10:33:25 am

1) Death Penalty (con)
2) Gay rights
3)Death penalty

[email protected]

Sahib da juice man
1/17/2013 10:41:09 am

1. Legalization of prostitution (con or pro) * the opposite of what Andrew chooses
2. Fast food restaurants (con)
3. Death penalty (con)
[email protected]

Sahib da juice man
1/17/2013 10:42:19 am

Also I would like to argue against Andrew so if possible I would like my topic to align with his except I will take the opposite side :D

Sahib da Juice Man
1/17/2013 10:46:15 am

1. Prostitution is one of the few professions that doesn't require a level of education unlike most that employ the evolving human population today, and therefore should continue to be openly available because of its lasting impact over time.

Ms. B - da slushee woman.
1/18/2013 03:06:25 am

I am fine with Andrew and you arguing legalization of prostitution, however, I need to know exactly which sides you both are taking. Have that conversation and post your decision this weekend.

Sarah Benni
1/17/2013 10:47:50 am

1. Single-gender education (con)
2. Gun restriction(con).
3. Child Labor Laws(pro).
4.Euthinasia/ AssistedSuicide (pro)
I like them all equally so i don't really mind what i get ;)....sorry for the late reply :P

[email protected]

Sahib da Juice Man
1/17/2013 10:51:41 am

2. Does the responsibility of the United States' reputation of obesity fall on the shoulders of major fast food chains in the country?
3. Is any crime heinous enough to be punishable by death?

Vibhav Joopelli
1/17/2013 11:15:27 am

1) Dress Code (#41)
2) Standardized Test Scores (#4)
3) Homework (#19)

E-mail: [email protected]

Apurva ❁◕ ‿ ◕❁
1/17/2013 12:18:34 pm

1)Should the use of parabens be allowed in cosmetics?*
2) Is cannibalism a ritual or a psychological disorder?*
3)Is homework helpful or harmful to the students? (con)
and if you dont like the cannibalism one(its creepy i know) then the video game one is fine...

Apurva ❁◕ ‿ ◕❁
1/17/2013 12:21:34 pm

The video game thing as a replacement of the cannibalism one for #2 i mean...

Kasey Zhang
1/17/2013 12:20:13 pm

1.Gun Control (21)
2.Use of animal products (32)
3.Assisted Suicide (28)

[email protected]

Ms. B
1/18/2013 04:01:57 am

Please let me know what research questions you plan to research, as well as your stance on each topic.

1/20/2013 04:00:32 pm

1. Should the government restrict public access to purchase firearms? [against]
2. Should fur be marketed as a wardrobe accessory? [against]
3. Should physicians be legally protected and allowed to assist terminal patients in their own suicide? [against]

Hannah Harris
1/18/2013 12:52:13 am

1. Should cell phone use be banned in vehicles? (YES)
2. Should public schools have the right to mandate dress codes for their students? (Am i allowed to say to an extent?)
3. Should animals be used for research? (NO)

Ms. B
1/20/2013 10:43:38 am

You can say to an extent. I am interested to see what your argument brings. Let me warn you: it's difficult not to go 'all or nothing' on an argument.

Hannah Harris
1/21/2013 12:39:07 am

Can I do the first one!

Joseph w
1/18/2013 12:55:01 am

1. Should religion be allowed in schools? (pro)
2. should assault rifles be legal? (pro)
3. Is the death penalty and effective way of punishment? (con)
[email protected]

kalyn Lindley
1/18/2013 12:56:04 am

2.Death Penalty
3.Eating Disorders

im cool
1/18/2013 01:00:55 am

1. abortion (con)
2. gun control (con)
3. alcohol consumption (con)
[email protected]

Ms. B
1/18/2013 03:00:30 am

Sure you are, but you are also nameless.


1/18/2013 08:07:17 am

Sarah Fletcher
1/18/2013 01:01:54 am

1. Whether women in the military should be allowed to be in the feild.(yes)
2.Should people under age 18 be allowed to elect plastic surgery or extreme body modifications?(no)
3.Should physicians be legally protected and allowed to assist terminal patients in their own suicide?

Ruona Eruvwetere
1/18/2013 02:58:06 am

1. Assisted Suicide(pro)
2. Interacial Marraige
3.Death Penalty(pro)

[email protected]

Cameron hill
1/18/2013 04:00:21 am

1.Religion in school (pro)
2.Gender equality(pro)
3. Plastic surgery for people under 18(pro)

Arun Sabapathy
1/18/2013 04:07:07 am

1. Assisted Suicide(pro) Why have a person suffer through pain when they don't have or want to?
2.GMO(pro) People should understand what foods they are purchasing and the risks in selecting such produced that aren' t purely natural
3.Hate Crimes/Groups(pro) Why should unauthorized organizations be able to pick on a particular group of people? They clearly violate the statement of "All men are created equal" which their distant ancestors fought for in two instances in American History.

1/18/2013 05:20:28 am

Single Gender Education- Are there benefits to attending a single-gender school? (PRO)
Advertising- Should advertisements for alcohol and tobacco products be allowed in print advertisements? (CON)
Plastic Surgery- Should people under age 18 be allowed to elect plastic surgery or extreme body modifications? (PRO)

Elaine Messiha
1/18/2013 07:31:26 am

1. Dress code (Con) #41
2. Hate Crimes/Groups (Pro) #47
3. Fast Food Restaurants (Con) #53

Abhi Ballal
1/18/2013 08:39:45 am

1) flag burning pro
2) national ID cards pro
3)privacy issues pro

Abhi Ballal
1/21/2013 01:09:14 am
1/18/2013 09:03:25 am

i dont have a top 3 but could i do mine on human trafficing

Ms. B
1/20/2013 10:48:01 am

What about human trafficking would you argue, Tobi?

Lilli Peters
1/18/2013 09:14:45 am

1. Should assisted suicide be legal? (against)
2. Is college a right or a privilege? (Colleges are privilege)
3. Are standardized tests an accurate score of the teaching and knowledge of students? (no)
And Mrs. B I swear if you give the assisted suicide to fletcher I will cry. I told her it was what I wanted to do. I will literally cry. Everyday.

Hoorain Momin
1/18/2013 09:45:38 am

1. Is homework helpful or harmful to students? (harmful)
2. Do violent video gaming lead to violent behavior? (yes)
3. Does religion in schools affect a students rights? (yes)

Nadia Rahman :D
1/18/2013 10:19:09 am

1.Beauty Pageants/Contests:Should young children and teenagers be allowed to compete in beauty pageants? No!

2. Standardized test scores (have previous knowledge over this topic):Do colleges weigh tests like the SAT and ACT too heavily for college admission standards? Yes

3.Torture:Is torture ever an acceptable behavior? ..no

:) sorry for late reply.
I really want # 1, Ms. Bellon! I have seen child beauty pageants before, and they end up terribly!
(I'm fine with which ever one you pick though)

Chidera Azubike
1/18/2013 11:32:40 am

Should physicians be legally protected and allowed to assist terminal patients in their own suicide?(con)
Should physicians be legally protected and allowed to assist terminal patients in their own suicide?(con)
Should Americans be legally allowed to burn the flag in protest?(con)
im happy with any of these and sorry its so late =D

Kevin Beaver
1/18/2013 12:36:49 pm

3.Media Copyright
[email protected]

Kevin Beaver
1/20/2013 09:24:39 am

i forgot...
against Vegetarianism/Veganism
for Media Copyright

Viren Joopelli
1/18/2013 03:50:27 pm

1. Legalization of genetic engineering in humans* - Against.
2. Abortion* - For.
3. Education Access: Is college a privilege or a right? - Privilege.

Chi P.
1/18/2013 10:16:33 pm

Gun control - should the gov. banned the use of weapons? (no)
Obesity - Should an additional tax be added to purchases of fast food? (no)
Child labor laws - Should children be allowed to work prior to age 18? (yes)

Hayden C
1/19/2013 03:31:29 am

1. Insanity Plea-- Should people who have murdered innocent people be allowed to testify as mentally unstable or insane? (Against)
2. Legalization of Marijuana-- Should Mary Jane be allowed to be sold and use across the United States? (Pro)
3. Abstinence-- Should abstinence be taught more in school-- if or if not, should condom accessibility be easier for teens? (Pro)

Hayden C
1/19/2013 03:34:08 am

1 or 2 would be greatly appreciated Ms.B!

Sharat Kalaga
1/19/2013 03:48:02 am

1.Should scientists be allowed to conduct stem cell research? (I believe they should)
2.Should physicians be legally protected and allowed to assist terminal patients in their own suicide? (I believe they should not)
3. Should the government provide healthcare for its citizens? (I believe they should)

Sharat Kalaga
1/19/2013 03:49:50 am
Janie Hu
1/19/2013 05:12:24 am

1. Fast Food Restaurants- No (#53)
2.Cell Phone- Yes (#9)
3. Gun Control- No (#56)

Email: [email protected]

Albert chen
1/19/2013 05:28:53 am

1.Should health care be free?( yes)*
2.Should medical marijuana be legal?(no)*
3.Should violent video-games be banned?(yes)
[email protected]

1/20/2013 10:06:00 am

Looks like someone wants to pay more taxes.. and wants to suffer from severe pain, and not want to have a childhood.. Geez, be sure to sign up to be the first to inhabit Mars.

Ms. B
1/20/2013 10:55:26 am

Dude, who are you, and why are you so chicken as to use an anonymous handle? Lots of people are arguing their opinions here, many of which will clash. It's called the exercising of the 1st amendment, yo.

Maheen A
1/19/2013 08:00:50 am

My first choice is Euthanasia, and how its illegal and illegal in so many places and if it should be or should not be allowed, etc.
2) Athletics, (#42 on the list)
and 3) Use of animal products, (#32 on the list)


1/19/2013 08:22:54 am

1.) Colleges and Standardized test
2.)child labor
3.)human trafficing

Jonathan Wang
1/19/2013 10:11:23 am

1.) Should Cigarettes be illegal? (yes)
2.) Gun Control. (no)
3.) Assisted Suicide. (yes)

Farah H.
1/19/2013 10:45:30 am

Hey Ms. Bellon! Yes, i know, this is posted up pretty late. Alas, procrastination and indecision played a part in that.
Here are my topics:

1). Gun Control: Will limiting the use of guns truly cease everyday violence?- Con
2). Technology: Are people becoming too dependent on technology (loosing self reliance in the process)?- Pro
3). Has violence been engraved too deeply into out society (to the point to where it ties into prejudice and senseless massacres)?- Pro

Here's my email just in case:
[email protected]

1/19/2013 01:04:48 pm

1) Should the immigration policies of the United States be more relaxed or more restrictive? (RESTRICTIVE) & Should illegal immigrants who arrived in the United States as children be given easier access to American citizenship? (NO)
2) Are fast food restaurant to blame for obesity? (Yes)
3)Do violent video games cause violent behaviors? (Yes)
[email protected]


Ms. B
1/20/2013 10:59:10 am

Thanks, Dude. :-)

Sahiti R
1/20/2013 02:43:10 am

1) Plastic Surgery under the age of 18
2) Animal Testing
3) Child Labor Laws
[email protected]

Sahiti R
1/20/2013 02:44:34 am

and im supporting for the first one...

Katie Z
1/20/2013 02:54:09 am

1. Should cell phone use be banned in vehicles? (Yes)
2. Should children and teens have access to social media sites? (Yes)
3. Should English be a official language of the United States? (Yes)

cameron hill
1/20/2013 02:56:58 am

Im not sure my first post posted so im doing it again,
1.Religion in school (pro)
-Does religion in schools affect students' rights?
2.Fast Food resturants(con)
-Are fast food resturants to blame for obesity?
3.Plastic Surgery/Body Modification
-Should people under age 18 be allowed to elect plastic surgery or extreme body modifications?

cameron hill
1/20/2013 02:57:12 am

Im not sure my first post posted so im doing it again,
1.Religion in school (pro)
-Does religion in schools affect students' rights?
2.Fast Food resturants(con)
-Are fast food resturants to blame for obesity?
3.Plastic Surgery/Body Modification
-Should people under age 18 be allowed to elect plastic surgery or extreme body modifications?

cameron hill
1/20/2013 02:58:12 am

Im not sure my first post posted so im doing it again,
1.Religion in school (pro)
-Does religion in schools affect students' rights?
2.Fast Food resturants(con)
-Are fast food resturants to blame for obesity?
3.Plastic Surgery/Body Modification
-Should people under age 18 be allowed to elect plastic surgery or extreme body modifications?

Laura Paglicawan
1/20/2013 04:14:22 am

Should animals be used for research? (no)
Should people under age 18 be allowed to elect plastic surgery or extreme body modifications? (no)
Should women be allowed to serve in the military? (yes)

Elaine Wood
1/20/2013 04:30:53 am

1. Assisted Suicide: Should physicians be legally protected and allowed to assist terminal patients in their own suicide? (yes)
2. Censorship: Should public libraries censor/ refuse to carry banned books? (no)
3. Obesity: Should an additional tax be added to purchases of fast food? (no)

Alvaro I.
1/20/2013 04:50:48 am

1. Should cell phone use be banned in vehicles?(pro)
2. Is homework helpful or harmful for students?(con)
3. Should physicians be legally protected and allowed to assist terminal patients in their own suicide?(pro)
[email protected]

Kartik Talwar
1/20/2013 07:29:24 am

1. Are test scores an effective indication of a school's competency?(Against)
2. Is the death penalty an effective form of punishment?(Against)
3. Is homework helpful or harmful to students?(Harmful)

Daniel Cheung
1/20/2013 08:14:28 am

1) Capital Punishment should not be permitted.
2) Americans should be legally allowed to burn flags in protest.
3) Hate crime groups should not be denied first amendment rights.

Sheila Patel :3
1/20/2013 08:46:25 am

1)censorship #44 (against)
2)educational access (college is a privilege)
3)vegetarianism/veganism (it is a moral choice)

1/20/2013 09:28:50 am

hey ms. b can i get
gun control (con)
military recruitment
child labor laws

Abigail CLoudy
1/20/2013 09:32:50 am

1)Should animals be genetically modified for food?(con)*
2)is homework helpful or harmful?(harmful)
3) is daylight savings helpful or harmful?(harmful)*

[email protected]

Melinda Cloudy
1/20/2013 11:04:10 am

1. Are video games a waste of time? (con)
2. Should we get rid of daylight savings?* (pro)
3. Should genetically modified foods be labeled? (pro)

Maher Rahman
1/20/2013 11:12:00 am

1.) Standardized Tests
2.) Communism vs. Democracy
3.) Protecting the Environment

I have argued for these topics on multiple occasions before. Im Pro Standardized test and pro Protecting the environment and anti-Communist.
Email: [email protected]
(I use that email most often)

Sayed S.
1/20/2013 11:34:28 am

1.Death Penalty(con)
2.Gun Control(con)
3.Video Games(pro)
Email: [email protected]
1.Is death penalty effective? No.
2.Can gun control prevent violence? No.
3.Do video games encourage violence? No.

Grace O
1/20/2013 12:20:23 pm

1.Should scientists be allowed to conduct stem cell research?(Pro)
2.Should the immigration policies of the United States be more relaxed or more restrictive? (Relaxed)
3.Does religion in schools affect students' rights?

Christian Cpncepcion
1/20/2013 12:43:27 pm

[email protected]

#5 Tourture
#21 Gun COntrol
#35 Prostitution

Or anything, what ever you thing best suits me, i could argue anything.

Christian Concepcion
1/20/2013 12:44:56 pm

Ohh yea im pro for tourtue and prostitution

Im against gun control

Alifa Sprouse
1/20/2013 01:14:25 pm

1. Beauty pageants/contests (con)
2. Gender equality (pro)
3. Animal testing (con)

Smrithi R
1/20/2013 01:45:34 pm

Hey Ms. B:
1. Animal Testing (con)
2. Genetics/Ethics (pro)
3.Immigration (22) (pro)
email: [email protected]

1/20/2013 01:48:06 pm

1.Censorship #45
2.Genetics/Ethics #20
3.Homework #19

Paige Awodu
1/20/2013 01:53:47 pm

1. Should cell phone use be banned in vehicles? (Pros)(maybe yes with some limitations)
2. Is homework harmful or helpful to students? (helpful)
3. Should young children and teenagers be allowed to comptete in beauty pageants? (pros)
email: [email protected]

Carter H
1/20/2013 02:33:16 pm

1. Is torture ever an acceptable behavior? (yes)
2. Should tablets replace textbooks in K-12 schools? (yes)*
3. Should cell phone use be banned in vehicles?(yes)

Caleb Wong
1/20/2013 02:54:44 pm

[email protected]
1. Do violent video games cause violent behaviors? (no)
2. Is homework helpful or harmful to students? (helpful)
3. Should prostitution be a legal profession nationwide? (yes)

1/20/2013 10:18:04 pm

i know I'm a little late, but i didnt know i had to post until christian told me
#28 Physicians should be legally protected and allowed to assisit terminal patients in there own suicide
#61 It is wrong to download music or video free via pirate sites
#20 Scientists should be allowed to conduct stem cell research

1/20/2013 10:21:02 pm
Ariel Heins
1/21/2013 12:02:01 am

Hey Mrs. Bellon. I know I am late but better late than never right? haha.

So I wanted to do a topic on gender equality. But the one i wanted to do was not present. I was thinking about women getting equal pay. It really intrigued me when you said that a woman gets $.88 for every $1 a man gets. I need help with the initial question but i think I could make a good arguement.

Thanks Ariel

Hunter S
1/21/2013 12:03:52 am

Period 3
1.Should music artists be required to sell censored/screened versions of their music? (Con/No)
2.Are there benefits to attending a single-gender school? (Con/No)
3.Should the government restrict public access to purchase firearms? (Con/No)
[email protected]

Rachel R
1/21/2013 12:24:29 am

Is college a privilege or a right?

Rachel R
1/21/2013 12:26:25 am

Do patients have the right to choose how long there on life support?
Should the government provide free health care?

zach h
1/21/2013 01:13:44 am

1) Is global climate change man made? (con)
2) military recruitment allowed in high schools? (pro)
3)Should the immigration policies of the United States be more relaxed or more restrictive? (relaxed)

Hannah White
1/21/2013 03:02:01 am

Hey Ms. B... Sorry so late. Ive been trying to catch up on all this makeup work!

1. Is the dealth penelty an effective form of punishment? (Pro)
2. Should fur be marketed as an accesory? (Con)
3. Should marijuana be legalized? (Pro)

Hiba Siddiqi
1/21/2013 03:52:29 am

why am i put down for global warming lol i didn't even pick a topic yet. hold uppp

Jodianne P
1/21/2013 04:01:05 am

1. Should the government restrict public access to purchase firearms? (Con/No)
2. Should school lunch requirements be healthier? (Pro/Yes)
3. Should public schools have the right to mandate dress codes for their students? (Con/No)
[email protected]

Rayner Varghese
1/21/2013 06:23:56 am


Meghan Pinfold
1/21/2013 08:17:50 am

1. Gun Control. Does gun control reduce crime? No

2. Child Labor. Should children be allowed to work prior to age 18? Yes

3. Obesity. Should fast food be outlawed? No

Alana :) Larcombe
1/21/2013 09:36:18 am

1. Gender equality*
Should women receive equal pay for equal work? (Or, dowomen now receive equal pay for equal work?) Yes

2.Same-sex marriage*
Should it be legalized in the United States? Yes

3. Beauty Pageants/Contests.
Should young children and teenagers be allowed to compete in beauty pageants?
- teens should, but little children should NOT.

Kirkland Carrier :)
1/21/2013 11:33:04 am


David Nelson
8/4/2018 12:01:46 am

FBISD concerns.


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