*Note:  the title of this post refers to an old Queen, Queen Latifah, or Beyonce song, depending on the generation on which you fit.  Now, on with the show...

As you read the outline for the Odysseus vs. Everett DCQ essay, you must notice that you have to discuss both characters and a common/uncommon trait, and how you know that the trait is common/uncommon to both characters.  You have to defend this with evidence, and then you have to explain why you would discuss this.

Let's take a broad, hypothetical shot at this...  Let's use the term courageousAnd, to make things fun, let's say I am writing a challenge essay.

Okay, so I am trying to say that Everett is not courageous.  Remember, your goal is to DEFEND YOUR POINT, NO MATTER WHAT, REGARDLESS OF THE OTHER EVIDENCE THAT MAY BE PRESENT TO DEFEND YOUR POINT.  I need to show that Odysseus is courageous, and Everett is not; therefore, Everett is not a worthy representation of Odysseus.

1.  Odysseus:  courageous when he takes his sailors out of Polyphemus' cave; he helps to strategize their escape to prolong uncertain death.  His courage helps him think quick on his feet, and keep the Cyclops alive so they can escape.
                    Can I find text evidence to back this up?  Yes.
                    Can I discuss why Odysseus is courageous in his actions during this section of The Odyssey?  Yes.
2.  Everett:  not courageous when the police, provoked by Wash Hogwallop, come to burn down the barn in which they are sleeping, claiming he hates fire, and being willing to negotiate with law enforcement.
                    Can I provide evidence from the movie to back this up?  Yes.
                    Can I discuss why this shows Everett as 'chicken'?  Oh, of course.
                    Can I then turn this into why Everett is not a good representation of Odysseus?  Sure, I can.  Simple. 

3.  Then, I need to talk about WHY THEY ARE DIFFERENT (because this is a challenge essay, or the same if you're writing a defense essay, or similar with conditions on the qualify essay).  I can say something about how Odysseus failed to negotiate with the Cyclops, and certainly would not have negotiated with his suitors, because that would not have been heroic.  I could say something about how, as a Greek man, Odysseus would have never bent to the whim of Penelope, no matter how much he loved her.  I could also say that Everett could have kept driving and stayed focused, but he stopped to listen to the "siren song" and became seduced, unlike Odysseus who heeded warnings and told his crew to hold him fast.

I could also disprove all of these points if I was writing a defense essay as well.  You see, folks, it's all about the angle you take.  If you liked Everett, and you believed he was an epic hero, find something that helps you defend that.  If you...maybe...say that Everett was somewhat heroic, but definitely had his anti-hero moments, defend that.  If you think Everett was a small-timing wuss who had a silver tongue, defend that. 

It doesn't matter what you believe if you can't prove it.  Remember that.  If you have an opinion about Everett being the representative of Odysseus, and how he played that up, DEFEND THAT.  That's what I'm looking for.

Choose three character traits that are discussable between Everett and Odysseus.  Each of those traits will take one body paragraph to discuss.  They'll be fat paragraphs too.  That's okay, though, because you should come with most of it, if not all, pre-written before tomorrow's class.

Let me know if you have any questions! 

peace, love and chicken grease,
Ms. B

next post:  Int

11/25/2012 09:50:37 am

Ms.Bellon I was wondering since there are three paragraphs can you state in the first one that you are qualifying, defend in the second only, and challenge in the third only, and add one last tiny paragraph for a closer? that way you can have two of each?

11/25/2012 11:25:05 am

No, I want you to take a stand and argue - the point of the paper is to stand with a single argument consistently.

11/25/2012 11:36:45 am

I think that i wrote that wrong, im doing a qualifying essay so i mean like can i say why i qualify it? Like in one paragraph state the reasons i'm for qualifying and in the other state the reasons i'm not?

11/25/2012 01:06:45 pm

That, I am okay with. But, if you do one paragraph that challenges, be sure to answer what Everett could have done differently as a character to better represent Odysseus.

11/26/2012 07:35:05 am

what do you mean by "pre-written"? Written as a rough draft for tomorrow or kept on the DCQ outline?

11/26/2012 10:50:34 am

i think it means the outline. she did'nt mention anything about the draft in class.

11/26/2012 09:58:58 am

on the essay outline is it ok if i did........

one paragraph that shows how they are the same,

the next how they are different,

and the last one how they are the same but they use their characteristics for a different reason??

:) hehe
11/26/2012 10:11:40 am

I'm doing qualify

11/26/2012 10:23:14 am

cOnfusEd !!

Lauren R.
11/27/2012 06:03:09 am

When putting concrete details for Odysseus in our paper, do we have to use direct quotes? Thanks!!


Table in 3rd period
11/27/2012 09:31:34 am

Don't forget the candy

black baboon
2/22/2015 05:39:08 am

im from 2015 kids


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