Controversial Topics Assignments - FINAL
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Pre-Research Questions
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Alrighty, guys - as promised, I'm posting the list around noon today.  :-) 

Some things that need to be considered...
1.  These topics are locked.  There will be no switching of overall topics.  The questions within the topics may be altered, depending on how your research works out.  However, trying to stay within the confines of the question and arguing that is part of the assignment. 

2.  I did my very best to give you your first choice.  Several of you asked for help with the question development, and I tried, but really do not wish to interfere.  If you didn't get your first choice, chances are it was an incredibly popular topic.  If you created an original question and I deemed it feasible for research, I gave it to you.  Some, however, didn't work.  I, again, did what I could.

3.  Use the Pre-Research questions to help yourself out.  Think about these questions seriously.  Reacting to gun control with a judgmental statement, such as "guns are awesome, and people who don't like guns are stupid", puts you at a gross disadvantage and cripples your argument from minute one.  Remember that you have to be convincing, not necessarily confrontational.  Think about the other side, too.  Why would they reasonably disagree?

4.  There are some of you out there that did not post, and I gave you an assignment.  That sticks as well.  I tried to match you to a subject that I thought you would find interesting to research.  Please try to follow the assignment next time.  I did the best I could, considering you did not give me a suggestion. 


Remember, you report to the library for class tomorrow.  For library days, bring a USB drive and change to make copies/print articles.  Even if you plan on printing your articles at home, you cannot check out the reserved books, so bring some dollar bills/change as a just in case.

I look forward to your research, and what you guys have to learn! 

NOW, for Animal Farm...

We have read the first two chapters, which have given us amazing examples of how people (or characters, rather) use speech in order to cause revolution, but we have also seen how speech can manipulate and steer thought and ideology.  Think about how we do this in our daily lives when we engage in argumentative banter.  Think about how we fight to prove a point, and wish for us to agree with us.

I guarantee that the best way to do this is to see the other side, understand it, dismantle it, and then attack with your reasoning.  The reason why Old Major's speech is so effective is because he understands why humans depend on animals.  Why wouldn't they?  The animals have given all they can to the humans, and the humans just keep taking.  Old Major knew that, even though it was because of the humans he was able to lead a natural life. 

How can y0u use Old Major's tactics in your argument?  He employs all three points of Aristotle's rhetorical triangle to bring these animals into a fever pitch.  Think about how you can move people with your argument, not anger them.  People want to understand, not be offended.  Think about that for a while before you decide to attack people about what they believe and seem to understand. 

Until tomorrow, go read President Obama's inauguration speech, the given invocation, and the inaugural poem.  Interesting stuff, no matter the political leaning.

See you tomorrow in the library,
Ms. B
Debbie N
1/21/2013 02:06:35 am

Yay first one and thanks ms. B

Stella Ji
1/21/2013 02:09:35 am

you put me in the wrong class period ms. b

Ms. B
1/21/2013 02:11:38 am

No big deal, Stella. Still working out bugs. It will be fixed shortly.

Huzaifah Hassan
1/21/2013 03:08:20 am

Hey Ms.B I'm confused about number 7

Ms. B
1/21/2013 11:46:45 am

Huzaifah, that's vague. I need more info to answer the question. Also, don't refer to the questions by number.

Shravya Arra
1/21/2013 03:35:29 am

Haha i'm going to do con for dress code. I love how you just knew i was going to argue about dress code :P

1/21/2013 03:57:51 am

why am i doing global warming i don't care about the earth yo

1/21/2013 03:59:02 am

i wanna do "should airport security be removed'

1/21/2013 04:20:48 am

Why didn't you tell me that??? You can do that, Hiba...that's fine. TELL ME NEXT TIME!!!

Paige Awodu
1/21/2013 06:07:56 am

why is my name on the list twice?

Ms. B
1/21/2013 11:45:29 am

I meant to take your name off the community service line.

Lilli Peters
1/21/2013 06:32:08 am

I'm not allowed to own a USB drive anymore Ms. B... Is there something else I can use?

Ms. B
1/21/2013 11:42:46 am

That's a story I want to hear. You'll have to email articles to yourself.

sara lamendola
1/21/2013 08:12:07 am

hey ms. b sorry about the lateness i wanted to make sure i had information on it but i want to do "insanity plea" and i believe they shouldnt be allowed to testify insane(:

Ms. B
1/21/2013 11:47:39 am

You can have it Sara

1/21/2013 08:17:21 am

I got a topic that wasn't any of the 3 that i chose so can I have the racial judgement in college one since no one in seventh period chose it?

Ms. B
1/21/2013 11:48:03 am

That's fine Sheila

Sarah Thomas
1/21/2013 09:45:02 am

Ms. Bellon, can I do con for cell phone use in vehicles instead of pro please?

Sarah Thomas
1/21/2013 10:08:50 am

Never mind. I want it to be banned.

Sahib the Juice Man
1/21/2013 11:09:03 am

Wait Ms.B I thought i was doing pro prostitution i already answered the questions according to that and i have already found all my reasons

Ms. B
1/21/2013 11:44:07 am

Sahib, that's fine. I got confused with the back and forth between Andrew and you.

Sahib the Juice Man
1/21/2013 12:34:57 pm

Okay thank you ms. Bellon :)

1/21/2013 12:37:26 pm

Hi Ms.B...uhm I wont be at school tomorrow, so can you tell me what I can do in the meantime...I cant exactly do much but I will try. ± _ ±

Rithica Deepka
1/21/2013 09:40:08 pm

I wanted to do gun control,Athletics, or Advertising, but on the list it says i have to do assisted suicide.

1.Should the government restrict public access to purchase firearms?
2.Should girls be allowed to join boys' teams if no equivalent sport team is present?
3.Should advertisements for alcohol and tobacco products be allowed in print advertisements?

1.The government should ban people from purchasing firearms.
2.Women should be allowed to join male dominated sports.
3.Alcohol and tobacco advertising should be banned.

[email protected]

Rithica Deepak
1/21/2013 09:44:28 pm

Sorry mistake in my last name :)
When do we have to read chapter 3 of Animal farm?

Marwan Madi
1/22/2013 12:24:22 pm

Is it too late to post something on the other blog (the one before this with 250+ comments)? Because I just did... ms B i just wanted to let you know that i replied to your comment, sorry it took so long

Marwan Madi
1/23/2013 05:23:06 am

Ms Bellon, you're
really gonna have to forgive me for doing this because it's irrelevant but ever since that short story i wrote was brought up in class everyone wanted to read it, and i dont have a facebook so im just gonna post it here Sorry :)
Here it is...

Marwan Madi
Ms. Bellon
English 1- Period 3
28 September 2012
Writing a Short Story
“Okay class, your homework for the weekend is to write me another short story” explained Ms. Bellon just as the dismissal bell rang. “Damn,” complained Marwan, “that’s the third time this week. She’s kidding right?” But she wasn’t kidding. You start to feel a slight hatred towards your English teacher but that hatred is relieved by the fact that she’s the nicest teacher you have this year. As the day goes by, you start thinking of things to write about, but nothing worthy of having your name on it comes to mind. “What I need is some inspiration,” you start to think. So in order to get that inspiration you long for, you know exactly what you have to do. Everyone knows that when you look death in the eye your life flashes before your eyes, so if you can just get to that point but stay alive afterwards, you’ll have remembered a really good life experience to write about.
To get yourself to that point close to death where your life flashes before your eyes, you come up with an ingenious plan. If you can reach at least a hundred miles per hour in your dad’s Mustang without a seatbelt, then that should give you the adrenaline rush necessary for the desired effect. When you step into the car and start the engine, you are mentally unprepared for what you’re about to do- knowing that there will be a greater effect if your mind takes it as a surprise. As you start the five liter V8 engine, you tell yourself that you’re just driving to McDonald’s to get something for lunch. When you begin to accelerate, the roar of the engine grows louder and louder, until it reaches a point where you feel like it’s going to explode. But you’re not even going that fast- you’re going just above thirty miles per hour. Needing more speed, you press harder on the gas pushing the engine to the limit. And that’s when it happened; your life flashed before your eyes. But not because you reached a hundred miles per hour, but because to your immense surprise, the engine actually blew up right in front of you. Unaware that the car had a manual transmission, you never shifted past first gear, causing the engine to blow when you pushed it too hard. The explosion was devastating. It hurled you into the air, knocking you back a hundred feet from where the remains of the car laid. When you were taken to the emergency room, the doctors said you were lucky to still be alive. If it wasn’t for you being a big enough dumb-ass to drive without wearing a seatbelt, the seatbelt would have trapped you in the car during the explosion, causing you to be blown to smithereens. Once again you were saved by your stupidity, but everything that just happened didn’t matter, because you saw your life flash before your eyes, and you now knew what to write about for your short story. But you never get to write the story down, because when you got out of the emergency room, with bandages all over your burned skin, you were hit by a bus and died. And when your life flashed before your eyes for the second time, you couldn’t help but hate Ms. Bellon for being the cause of all this by making you write a short story… for the third time in a week.

Huzaifah Hassan
1/23/2013 08:19:44 am

Da hell?

1/26/2013 09:40:13 am


1/26/2013 11:30:02 am

Pikaaa????? :O

Debbie N.
1/27/2013 07:39:34 am

Wow Marwan , just wow

2/3/2013 05:01:45 am

Is it ok if i change the question? Cuz after lots research and thinking, i dont think cannibalism is a ritual or a psychological can i change it?


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