Don't you think the Grandmother and Bailey wished they could see a sign like this when they took a wrong turn??
Meet Flannery O'Connor. She was a church-going woman who wrote about serial killers. :-0
If you click here, you will be taken to the link for the Flannery O'Connor Prezi.  This prezi also gives you information about the Southern Grotesque, the literary genre which she helped to solidify in the literary canon. 

Also, several symbols were discussed today in class.  These symbols are so basic, but we assign meaning to them daily.  Some meanings are highly concrete, based on what we see in our everyday lives, but others are so abstracted and open that we are free to attach layers of meaning upon...layers of meaning. 

Basically, it boils down to this:  how does an octagon become a stop sign??  Why does green mean go, red mean stop, and yellow mean slow down (or, speed up, like everyone else does)?  We attach given meanings and experiences to our burgeoning knowledge - that is called CONTEXT.  We use context to interpret the world without bugging it with incessant questioning.  We use context to prove that we are intelligent, and that we can make connections on our own.

Context also teaches us that things are rarely, if ever, as they seem.  If you think the Misfit is a bad guy, think about his actions.  If you think the Grandmother didn't deserve to die, think about her actions.

Now, one more step:  let's think about the Misfit pulling the trigger and the Grandmother dying...both as symbolic, that they represent something else, something greater.  Like a powerful fight.  Stew on that. 

Remember, tonight you need to finish your color/symbol associations, and take notes using the Prezi.  See you guys tomorrow.

Ms. B

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