As promised, here are the links to what is needed to complete the assignment, if you can't find them on Austin's AP English site:

The packet file: 
Pre-AP English I Summer Reading Assignment
File Size: 558 kb
File Type: pdf
Download File

You will need to purchase/borrow a copy of Edith Hamilton's Mythology to complete the assignment.  Also, the following links are to short stories that will help you complete the assignments.  They are:

"To Build A Fire", Jack London

"The Tell-Tale Heart", Edgar Allan Poe

"Lamb to the Slaughter", Roald Dahl

"The Lottery", Shirley Jackson

If you received a letter regarding your summer reading assignment extension, those letters must be signed and returned TOMORROW, or the extension will not be given.  Please review those letters with your parents tonight.

If you don't have that letter, you submitted your summer reading on time!  Well done!  No homework for you!  :-)

Tomorrow, we begin reviewing story elements, and learning some about Freitag's Pyramid.  I look forward to some learnin' tomorrow!  See you then.

Ms. Bellon

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