Okay, folks, here is your assignment...just in case any of you sainted children were absent (or if your goofy butt lost it...).  
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Also, for your reading pleasure, a couple of links to give you a little more schema about "C of A" and its unique setting.

Vatican Necropolis (City of Catacombs) - This is a virtual tour of the catacombs underneath St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City.  There's a bit of a history lesson on the beginnings of Christianity as you go through, but at the very beginning of the tour is an amazing number of references to Greek and Roman mythology, Roman emperors, and examples of the most elaborately preserved catacomb ruins that exist today.

Society 0f the Freemasons  -  They aren't telling any secrets, but they will give you the skinny.  If you know your family has been in the US for a few generations, y0u should ask if any of your ancestors were Masons, or if you have living Masons in your family today.

Take a looksie.  See if you learn anything.  Don't forget to do Section 3...especially since you're probably checking this to see if you had any homework.  :-)

See you tomorrow,
Ms. B

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