Baltimore Rhapsody, perhaps??
So, let's talk about yesterday, and the rat race I put you through.  I understand that much of what we covered in the first week of material was review, going over story elements and plot structure...however, the discussion I heard as you were working on your mentor text plot maps was outstanding - you guys really used the idea of Freitag's Pyramid to hash out details and help others visualize the details within the story!  Excellent work.  The posters are up...you can see the mentor posters on Monday morning.

Today, I gave you all notes so you can have some reference around Edgar Allan Poe, his perspective as he wrote, and some important information which might help you with "The Cask of Amontillado."  According to today's Prezi (click here) , we need to focus our annotations on DICTION, SETTING, and evidence of CONFLICT.  We will also keep tabs on new vocabulary that arises as we continue to read the story.  No worries about stopping halfway.  Remember to create a key to color-code your highlighted annotations, and to look at the starred items below to write down specific kinds of comments as you read.

Be ready to talk about "Cask" on Monday, and have your annotations ready for a graded check. 

Until Monday, have a great weekend. 
-Ms. B
Remember your homework, y'all...
aasheel kadiwal
9/7/2013 06:08:51 am

i am about to read it ;)

aasheel kadiwal
9/7/2013 06:12:06 am

what does interesting diction mean????????????

Marilyn Varghese
9/7/2013 06:11:24 am

You said to read half of the story so do we stop around pg. 16, 17?

11/18/2013 11:11:46 am


9/28/2019 05:14:20 pm

bruv wtf is this . shit .

3/30/2022 09:16:58 pm

I kindly ask you to restrict splatting out vulgar language


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