
First things first:  you won't be this kid.  That's a good thing, right?

You'll be close.  Oh, indeed, you'll be close.  The need for social acceptance and looking downright cool amidst the first days of high school is so desperate, it is almost painful for teachers to watch.  Yeah, you're going to be judged by upperclassmen - they went through it, and now it's their turn.  So, what do you do?  Are you going to be that over-prepared child, or will you try to play dumb with the teachers in order to save face? 

Well, my children, I have a couple of pointers that might help you get through your first day/week of Austin High School with as little pain as possible.  (Disclaimer:  this does not guarantee absence of swirlies and sarcastic remarks from upperclassmen.  All I'm doing is trying to help.)

1.  School supplies get a little tricky, and you won't need all of them the first day.  As you go from your advisory period to visit all of your assigned teachers, you will begin to see a pattern:  first, a speech; then, a syllabus; then, a period where expectations are let out.  You might also have a survey or two.  But, let's get back to that syllabus, which will contain your supply list for that course.  You'll need to add it up, and your teachers won't expect you to have everything on day one, but you should look like you didn't just fall off the middle school truck.  So, in your backpack, bring pens and pencils, notebook paper, and a folder to keep all the handouts the teacher will give you. 

2.  Fashion can kill you.  Seriously.  The once-carpeted floors on the upstairs corridor have been replaced tile...shiny, freshly waxed tile.  Teachers are already taking bets on how many kids will bust their rear on the first day (not really, but maybe...).  Girls, for the love of whatever you pray to, please DO NOT WEAR HEELS.  It is one thing to chance the floors, but why would you torture your feet like that on the first day of school?  Take a lesson from the guys on this one:  wear something comfortable and not too complicated.  You don't have to wear your Trues on the first day, just because they are new and cost more than your firstborn.  You don't want to futz with your outfit all day, either.  Nobody will really care that much about what you are wearing.  You have too much to do and too much information to collect.  So, girls and guys...please be comfortable (within the confines of the dress code).

3.  Pay attention.  First impressions speak volumes for student/teacher relationships.  Trust me, no student wants to make a poor impression on the person that assigns their earned grades.  So, when a teacher has information to give, be attentive.  Participate in the first-day goings-on.  If a teacher gives you an assignment on the first day, don't moan in disapproval.  Roll with the punches.  It's high school, folks.  It's time to be the mature young adults you know yourselves to be.

4.  Bring your lunch every day for the first week, and bring your money to pay for lunch if you plan on buying at school.  Over 2000 students have to put money in their cafeteria accounts that first week, and you may not get the opportunity prior to the beginning of the school day.  The lunch lines get very long and very slow during the first week, and this helps to guarantee you get your necessary fuel to finish the day.  Trust me:  freshmen go hungry every single year during the first week because they didn't abide by this rule.  Do it.  You can start buying lunch during week 2.

That's all I have for now.   Stay tuned, and I will post more info as I find out.  Relax this week, finish up your summer reading assignments, and stay classy, my Austin High freshmen.  I've got one last mini-road-trip this weekend and a week's worth of planning to do for you guys.  Can't wait to meet all of yous.  :P

Until the 27th,
Ms. B

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