Let's not be Calvin, okay?  That would not be good...

On the other hand, we can attempt to structure our essay according to the outline.

On the outline, you were given a template to follow, making comparisons between Odysseus and O Brother's Everett.  Let me attempt to clarify some things before you delve head first into that outline...

1.  Everett is supposed to be a representative of Odysseus.  Period.  This means, every single action that Everett commits is supposed to represent Odysseus as a character.  Some of this works out; some of this doesn't compute.  It is up to you to decide whether or not, as a personality, if Everett can stand up to the epic hero that is Odysseus.

2.  Notice in the point above that I said we are comparing personalities.  Of course, actions are part of this, but not every action in O Brother finds an equal in The Odyssey. So, as you are setting up your character analysis, ask yourself, "Would Odysseus make the same decisions that Everett made in O Brother? Why or why not?"  If you can answer that question a few times, you can then decide whether or not to defend, challenge, or qualify.

3.  Don't worry so much about Delmar and Pete, other than the fact that they are Everett's foils.  We will learn more about the foil character in Romeo and Juliet, but the foil forces a character to reflect and analyze their own behaviors.  As Delmar and Pete act, they force Everett to act.  When Everett acts, Delmar and Pete react as well, giving more depth to Everett as a character.  It's hard not to focus on them, because they become just as influential in the movie as Everett is. However, Everett needs  to be the focus because that is what are essay centers around.  

Read the posts above for transitional words in body paragraphs, and how to begin 
Huzaifah Hassan
11/24/2012 09:29:20 am


The movie online in HD...your welcome :)

Huzaifah Hassan
11/24/2012 09:29:37 am


Hannah Harris
11/24/2012 11:06:27 am

Is the essay supposed to be about if everett represents odysseus or if everett shares traits of an epic hero like odysseus represents?

11/25/2012 02:43:56 am

Huzaifah, thanks for the post. Hope the link stays active.

Hamsta luva
11/24/2012 12:48:13 pm

For the O Brother, Where Art Thou? comparison charts, when it says "Evidence from The Odyssey" do we have to pull quotes from the TB or we just paraphrase the event that matches an event from the movie? (Sorry I forgot TT_TT

11/25/2012 02:40:57 am

Hannah, focus on character traits. Would Odysseus do the same things Everett does, and vice versa? When confronted with danger, do you think they behave in similar ways? Do they see their relationship with their wives the same way? Do they have the same talent for restraint and patience? There are many comparison points you can make- your job is to find the ones that you think are most important and talk about them.

11/25/2012 02:43:12 am

Brittany, use your dialectical journal and just write the number. If you don't have the quote, then go back in the book and quote that sucker, word for word. Makes it so much easier if you are using that quote in your essay if you have quick reference to it now as opposed to later.


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