Services for our Organization ppt
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Today, we discussed the services our organizations will provide, per our project.  This is one of our major discussion days, looking at how the mission statement actually reveals which services our organizations will provide.

We started with AIDS Foundation Houston, which provides the opportunity for at-risk communities to test for HIV, as well as educates the Houston community to avoid HIV infection.  The mission statement carried these ideas under a blanket statement - these services were never directly stated.  However, after reading the mission statement again, it becomes obvious that these services would be part of the organization.

We, then, looked at the mission of the American Red Cross.  After reading the finer points of the mission statement, we could tie services we know the Red Cross provides to the mission of the organization.  We know the Red Cross provides lifeguard training, CPR and First Aid classes, shelter, food, and water for disaster stricken areas, and counseling for soldiers returning home from active battle areas.  The specifics of these services are not listed in the mission statement; they are inferred.  This is why it is so important to look at the mission statement for guidance.  We can look at the mission statement and infer our services based off of the mission statement parameters, especially the business of the work. 

I have an example of how detailed your services list should be.  Study the example using DiscoverU as a template.  You can still see me after school if you need any assistance.  You can dream big with this, but remember that realism will set in with your financial boundaries you will set.  Prioritize your list into needs and wants...and focus on the needs. 

The powerpoint is provided above as a reference. 

Have fun with it, and see your services list next Friday.
--Ms. B
5/16/2013 10:04:52 am

So if say my organization was the WWF then id do things like endangered animals awareness and sponsor fund raisers to raise money to help endangered animals?

5/23/2013 10:58:44 am

Could you upload the cost and expenses powerpoint. I'd like to see an example.


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